
World View

World View

Be a part of Global Change!

✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ We can ‘gentle the birth’ of a Universal Humanity and guide our Earth community into its next evolutionary stage!

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Dear friends of the Birth,
Welcome to Birth 2012 and the Birth 2012 Campaign! This invitation to participate in the Birth is the most important letter I have ever written. Its intent, and the purpose of this book, is to present you with the greatest opportunity that humanity has ever consciously faced together: the effort to cocreate a planetary shift in time to avert global catastrophe by helping humanity cross the gap from “Here”— our current breakdowns—to “There”—our future of infinite possibility. Why is this invitation so urgent?

It is time to activate a new era of human possibility and potential! Our many crises are pushing us to shift to a new level of consciousness and a new global culture. These driving forces are now reaching a critical turning point when the new ways can replace the old ways, dissolving millennia of fear, aggression, and discord and turning humanity towards peace, cooperation, and cocreativity. What can we do to ensure this Shift?

Get the bestselling book that is building a global movement and learn how you can help make the Shift in time. Contributions from Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Jean Houston, Neale Donald Walsch, and more.

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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