
World View

World View

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✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ How to Create Prosperity in YOUR Life So You Can Contribute and Share Your Gifts From Fullness!

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I’m on a mission to help you remember and reclaim your birthright: TRUE Abundance!
You were conceived from and born into a world of overflowing abundance and that, my friend, is your natural state.
The problem is, along the way to adulthood, you forgot your natural state.
The messages from the people around you (even the ones who loved you the most), the experiences you had and the lessons you learned often conflicted with your deep inner knowing that this world is abundant.

If you were like me, you tried to hold onto that connection to your natural state as long as possible.
But, in the end, the forces pointing you in the other direction wore you down. With all of the encouraging advice to “be realistic” and “save for a rainy day” and “play it safe” ... it was finally easier to just give in and go with the flow.
When you’re alone (and young), trying to hold onto your natural state of abundance in the face of so much conflicting information is tiring, exhausting even!
What happened is your natural state of abundance faded into the background and you began living like the people around you... as if there wasn’t enough to go around and you needed to work hard or find someone to take care of you.
But always, deep within you, was a small, quiet, voice in the background.
It’s the voice of TRUE Abundance – your true nature.
And it’s always been there, whispering to you in brief moments of silence or awe or gratitude. And you never completely shut it down (although some people do!)

Some part of you remained open to that voice, and now it has guided you here because you are ready to remember and reclaim your birthright. You are ready to create the life of TRUE Abundance that has been waiting for you your entire life!
Welcome to the 30-Day Abundance Quest. Congratulations! I am so grateful you listened to that quiet voice within and have come to find out more about this program.

Enough is ENOUGH!

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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