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✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ Birthing Your Soul's Calling - A Journey into a Greater Than Imagined Life!

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You’re a soulful woman. You’re self-aware, motivated, talented, and you’ve been successful in many undertakings and important projects. And yet…
You sense even greater possibilities for your life. You yearn to move beyond a vanilla life that is working “fine” to a life that is filled with passion and greater meaning. You want to touch people and be the brightest light you can be. And you’re willing to die to an old way of being so that something new and much more soul aligned can be born.
But you’re hesitant, maybe even afraid, to venture into this unknown territory. You don’t know how to move beyond your comfort zone – especially since you haven’t been taught how to navigate the terrain, and you haven’t been given a map for where you’re going.
We truly understand. We were once there ourselves.

How We Were Able to Birth Our Soul’s Calling...

So, what did we do to support ourselves on this journey of living out our dreams?
We quickly found mentors in the very different realms of business and spirituality and surrounded ourselves with a community of women who saw our full potential, supported us and held us accountable.
We anchored regularly with spirit and began connecting to larger-than-life feminine archetypes that could support us to expand into greater-than-imagined possibilities. And we kept paying attention to the synchronicities showing up in our lives moving through the fears and saying YES!
And more quickly than we expected, our Soulful Women Wisdom School was born. The Inspiring Women Summit was born. Devaa’s Sacred Alchemy album was born (and just released!) Elayne’s first published piece in a book “The Unbreakable Human Spirit” will soon be released.
A new community of amazing women was born. And now we are filled to the brim with opportunities to give our gifts and support others to do the same. We are both deeply blessed to be living into the potential of our greater than imagined. !

Birthing Your Soul’s Calling

When we first met one another, we began working with groups of women helping them birth their soul’s calling. Through years of testing and honing the process we’ve used to guide hundreds of women into their greater-than-imagined lives, we created a step-by-step process to help YOU in Birthing Your Soul’s Calling.
This process is one that creates a sacred space in which you are held by a community of other women - as you become experts in midwifing yourselves and each other into your deeper soul’s calling. The truth is that we are not designed to give birth alone. Each one of us needs holding, support, guidance, nurturing, and soulful presence as we bring new life into being.
So it is our honor and delight to be with you in this process so that you don’t have to go through the birthing process all alone. And why should you? You’re meant to do this within a supportive community (think of all the women for thousands of years who gathered around the mother who is about to give birth to her baby).
It’s much easier, more potent, more comforting - and much more fun - to have a team of soulful midwives supporting you in your birthing process every step of the way, holding your hand and celebrating your successes - however big or small.
So that’s why we’ve created this initiatory journey into Birthing Your Soul’s Calling. In these 5 days, we will take you through the first phase of the birthing process, opening the space to invoke the greater than imagined possibilities for your life.
Together we will stretch our collective mind out of its slumbering predictability and help you invite in miracles for your personal story - and for our planet as a whole.
As our world is also preparing for a major shift, we see a deep need for what we call “planetary soulful midwives” who can skillfully help hospice out a dying world and usher in the new. These midwives are needed for the larger collective birth process that’s underway. But they are also needed to help each of us to find our own unique piece in this bigger puzzle.
These soul midwives are among us. In fact, we (Devaa and Elayne) know that playing this role is part of our sacred function in this lifetime. You may be a soul midwife yourself.
And as midwives, we are here to show you a way through and provide you with a safe container in which to birth the bigger story of your life-and your soul’s true calling.
We are calling you to imagine beyond the confines of what you think is possible and stand in the truth of YOUR MAGNIFICENCE. Join us, and we will lift you into your greater than imagined life!


About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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