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✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ Birth 2012 Activation Week - Get Inspired to Co-Create a New World

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It's a vision fast becoming a reality, which aims to reach a planetary tipping point for positive change - a "peek" experience for humanity on Dec. 22 to mark Day One of a new era.

You'll learn all about it during Birth 2012 Activation Week which will feature more than 30 pioneers, from don Miguel Ruiz to Grandmother Flordeyo, Lynne McTaggart, Gregg Braden, Jean Houston, and James O'Dea, all talking about how they've been guided or inspired to play roles in a special moment for Earth from Dec. 21st to 22nd.

You'll learn about globally synchronized meditations, indigenous ceremony, grassroots tours, a singular global song, a Declaration of Interdependence, festivals, and how youth are arising.

You'll hear about remarkable results from recent global intention experiments and how we can marry those methods with the power of the Be the Peace Meditation Mobs movement that just ignited for Peace Day.

You'll deepen your insight with Thomas Hubl, a remarkable spiritual teacher from Germany who is working on transforming collective fields of consciousness.
You'll also get specific training for activating your own community, standing in your co-creative power and using this time as a way to advance your soul's work.

To use Jean Houston's famous phrase, it's "jump time" for planet earth AND for us - a time in which we need to accelerate positive solutions to turn the corner on our crises in time.

I'll personally host almost all the calls in the next 8 days because this is a "real-time" creative effort with all these leaders as we weave together dozens of major initiatives, and thousands of smaller hubs into a synchronized day of unity, celebration, and commitment to positive collaborations.

Trust me that you're going to want to be part of this!

And it's all free - even the recordings, indefinitely - because we want this week to ignite YOUR visionary juices and the transformative energy of people from the 119 countries that will be joining us.

So if you're looking to be infused with hope, inspired by  wisdom, and motivated to help support a peaceful Shift on planet earth, join us today (and even if you can't join live, you DO get free access to all the recordings!)

Register here to let us know your interest in playing a role and be part of the exciting launch call at 10 am Pacific

Join us for Activation Week and you can:
  • Discover your unique contribution to the global birth
  • Renew your hope for our world
  • Learn about all the exciting initiatives that are coming together.
  • Receive practical training on creating hubs, events and grassroots activities
  • Become part of a worldwide positive change movement
  • Receive potent wisdom from dozens of our world’s most beloved teachers
Activation Week is here to empower you to joyfully share your greatest gifts with others and affect real change in the world as part of this growing global movement.
By having a "due date" for the Birth of this new era, we can reach a tipping point for love, hope and innovation.Your gifts, energy, love and leadership are needed!
There are many prophecies around the end of 2012 in indigenous cultures throughout the world. Why not harness this anticipation and create something amazing?
Sign up today for the completely free Activation Week (includes free recordings) and find out how you can play a role!

More on Birth 2012

Imagine on December 22, 2012 – our Planetary Birth Day – you can watch a live celebration from a stadium, church, community center, park or your own living room via a singular webcast.
You’ll be joined by millions of others who can see and experience ourselves as a single human family.
And imagine that in addition to the main webcast, you can watch video feeds from hundreds of locations – from Peru to China – allowing you to deepen that sense of interconnection.
Some of these Birth Day "hubs" will be small and intimate, while others will feature renowned speakers, artists, musicians and cultural leaders.

When you register for Birth 2012 Activation Week, you’ll learn more about how this historic day can be an opportunity for you to build conscious community that supports you in giving your greatest gifts as well.
We don’t see the Birth Day as the end, but rather the beginning of something long-term – a unified conscious change movement that amplifies what is working in the world.

We’re already hatching a vision for Emergence 2020 – giving us 8 years to grow our positive visions into full manifestation.

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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