
World View

World View

Be a part of Global Change!

✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ An Evolutionary Roadmap for You to Become a Powerful Catalyst for Personal and Planetary Change

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Which brings us to YOU: are you one of those rare individuals inspired to upgrade your outdated “software” and bring this emerging level of consciousness into our world?

Are you ready to “reboot” the dysfunctional programming on planet earth and “encode” a more holistic, compassionate and sacred vision that serves all of life?
Are you open to “connect” with the evolutionary intelligence of the cosmos and “download” what IS truly possible within yourself and our world, rather than focus excessively on the problems and lament about what no longer works?
If so, we want you to join us for the Extraordinary 12-Week Agents of Conscious Evolution Training with one of today’s greatest and most empowering teachers and visionaries: Barbara Marx Hubbard, the woman Deepak Chopra calls “THE voice for conscious evolution in our times.”
The Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE) training is the culmination of Barbara’s life’s work and deepest passion.
She has spent more than 50 years doing in-depth research and practice to unlock the mysteries of the human potential and bring about the birth of what she calls “the Universal Human”: an awakened, heart-centered being that lives in harmony with itself, the earth and all of life.
In this transformational training, Barbara Marx Hubbard offers you the very best of her evolutionary tools, teachings and practices to activate your full creative potential, and inspire you to move from your “work” to your “vocation of destiny.”
She will train you step-by-step in the skills necessary to catalyze transformation within yourself, your family and your community.
And best of all she will connect you with a global movement of empowered evolutionary leaders who are lighting the way forward.
The Agents of Conscious Evolution – or ACE – Training gives you a proven roadmap for joyful co-creation with other like minds and hearts, while also providing you a clear path for you to manifest your soul’s purpose in life.
In short, it teaches you how to become an “Evolutionary Mystic” – to make the inner shift from your head to your heart, from Ego to Essence.
There is a profound birthing process underway on our planet, and the crises we face can be seen as evolutionary contractions – preceding the arrival of a new level of awareness. These catalytic events are accelerating, which is really good news because it means the birth is near.
Many prophecies concur that the time for a planetary shift has arrived. Only it won’t happen by magic; it will happen only if those of us with the inner “codes” and vision step forward to co-create a world that works for everybody.
If we do that, we can collectively ignite a new way of being that endures for many generations to come.

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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