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✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ Shift Your Beliefs to Shift Your Life

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What would be possible if you could finally clear the “stuff” that keeps getting in the way of living the life you truly desire?

What if you had real control over your mood, perceptions and your responses to life?
What if you could change your experiences – even your circumstances – whenever you wanted?
This isn’t an exercise in imagination – it’s a real possibility.
But how?
With the BeliefCloset Process – an easy-to-learn, rapid and lasting way to change beliefs at the core of your psyche – you can finally get rid of those pesky blocks and barriers that keep getting in your way.
Changing your beliefs is now as easy as changing your clothes! ™
Many people say, “Your beliefs create your reality.” But few offer real tools for changing your beliefs permanently. There’s a good reason...
Beliefs are the foundation of your perception and experience. They reside in your subconscious mind.
In order to shift them, you have to get conscious access to what’s below your conscious mind. That isn’t easy. Until now.
“The BeliefCloset Process is like a magic wand – I can easily
and quickly change any aspect of myself by changing my beliefs.”

T.S., businesswoman, Yukon, Canada

At a young age, your parents, relatives and caregivers indoctrinated you with thousands of beliefs. Your worldview formed through these beliefs, before you had language. So they’re buried deep, in non-verbal memories and experience.
But you can feel them working whenever you react to someone, or whenever you act in a way that surprises you: “Why did I say that? Why didn’t I follow through? What’s wrong with me?”

Good News: It’s Not Your Fault. And You Can Delete Detrimental Beliefs

There’s a simple explanation for why you react the way you do: Your subconscious beliefs got reactivated. Your adult mind, the part of you that knows what to do and how to respond, got hijacked. These patterns can be changed if you’re willing to do some digging.
Most belief-change techniques only remove the surface layer of conscious beliefs, or they use a sophisticated verbal process to convince you that “your beliefs aren’t real.” This works for some time, but it doesn’t permanently remove the core belief from the subconscious mind.
Instead, the same beliefs keep popping up again and again. The work you did on yourself didn’t seem to stick. The problem isn’t you – it’s the technique you employed.
To get real lasting change, you need to reach down and pull the weeds (your limiting subconscious beliefs) out by the roots. Otherwise, they continue to grow back.

The BeliefCloset Process uses a completely new approach.
We teach you to reach down into your core and delete the belief where it lives, in the subconscious mind. Then, it doesn’t come back. The old thoughts, doubts, and fears are gone – for good. Your life changes – easily and effortlessly.
The BeliefCloset Process frees you from unwanted negative experiences by dissolving the emotional and somatic “anchors” that hold your negative beliefs in place. As a result, you have more of the experiences you want, and fewer experiences you don’t want.

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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