
World View

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✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ 2013 The Return To Truth And Our Divine Potential

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Wow! What a ride we have been on. For many years many of us have awakened and activated our LIGHT, and we have diligently been working to help our brothers and sisters do the same. This has not been an easy road because many have been resistant, and have held onto their deep seated beliefs of limitation, separation and fear consciousness. 
2012 rolled through with many people experiencing tremendous emotional turbulence, health problems, the loss of close friends and family members, catastrophic weather patterns, old relationships ending, and an overwhelming sense of excitement and uncertainty at the same time. We moved through many powerful portal days in 2012 with the LIGHT increasing in increments as we moved towards the infamous date of December 21, 2012. The much talked about 3 days of darkness, which was expected to occur on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd did not occur the way many expected, and many were disappointed. However, after talking to many people.....perhaps the 3 days of darkness was a time of descension in consciousness ~ a dark night of the soul ~ where many people experienced a deep purging of old karmic distortions, fears and emotional pain rising to the surface. Many people have told me they have felt depressed, lethargic, confused and feel as if their old ways no longer serve them ~ so they are in a dark place trying to figure out what they are going to do with their life. It is as if their computer system has been re-booted and the old files were deleted making space for new hardware to be installed.....but we don’t know which programs we want to install just yet, so we are in a place of no time / no direction / no comfort zone because so much has shifted within us. People are reporting waking up in the middle of the night, and seeing rapidly moving snapshots of images in their minds eye. These are the “old files” or old soul memories that no longer serve us being rapidly released from our subconscious. This is also happening in people’s meditations, and this is a very positive sign of deep soul purging, and an upshift in human consciousness.
So what’s next? Well.....we must continue on our soul’s ascension path with  an even greater commitment. WHY? Because we are in the Golden Age Of LIGHT, and in order to bring Heaven here down on Earth we each are responsible for putting on our garments of LIGHT, which actually means to activate our Light Body. How do you know when your Light Body has been activated? Your Kundalini (coiled dormant creator energy at the base of the spine) will rise all the way up to the crown chakra. Your higher soul/higher self will descend into your being, and will remove the veils of amnesia that were placed over your chakras that have kept you bound in the realm of the 3rd dimension of duality, survival, separation, and fear consciousness. This is a life-changing, euphoric blissful, energetically powerful event....when this happens you will KNOW your kundalini has risen because you will have a direct experience of the LOVE OF GOD/DDESS. You will be in deep gratitude of your soul, and all souls on Earth.....the veils of amnesia will be lifted, and you will re-member. 
It was necessary for the the veils of amnesia to be placed over the human chakra system during a time period where our planet became infiltrated with lower life forms that lowered our consciousness, and humanity began to use their co-creator powers inappropriately. We forgot who we were and  we became highly destructive, so our creator abilities needed to be minimized in order to prevent catastrophic events that had the potential to harm our entire galaxy. However, through a long period of soul evolution ~ through the dark ages ~ our souls have gained enough wisdom and soul knowledge to return ourselves to our divine potential. We are beginning to release the lower life forms that have infiltrated our consciousness, and we are beginning to: 
CONNECT (Return To A Unified Chakra System) 
REMEMBER (We Are “GODS” In Amnesia ~ We Are Sparks From The ONE, With Free Will)  
ACTIVATE (Activate The Soul And Chakra System ~ Reclaim Our Dormant Spiritual Gifts And Abilities ~ Reclaim Our Multidimensionality) 
Once the 7 main physical human chakras have been activated, and the veils are removed ~ continued spiritual practice and the willingness to self- master (transcend our ego and shadow consciousness) we will open, activate and expand our remaining 8 -12 “spiritual self” chakras. These chakras activate our Christ/Buddhic/Cosmic Consciousness where are 12 strands of DNA will be returned to us, and we step into our multidimensionality, and begin to work with our higher “selves.” You will know this has occurred when your very own council of 12 reveals themselves to you. You will know at this point that you have never been alone ~ you are deeply loved, and always have been connected to the Creator and the spiritual have just been veiled with amnesia and have forgotten about your true identity. Your council of 12 ~ 12 higher aspects of your self ~ will continue to work with you, and help you move even further into your ascension in consciousness. Your heart chakra will continue to expand and you will will step into greater LOVE for yourself, God and ALL living beings. Your spiritual glands will grow and activate and your divine potentials will be enhanced so you can be of greater service to humanity.
For those of you who have been moving into a spiritual teacher or healer role ~ your work will intensify as more and more people continue to awaken needing guidance and healing. We are all on different consciousness/ascension levels.....for those choosing to remain on Earth and ascend in consciousness, they are going to need HELP. Regardless of where you are on your ascension journey ~ you can be of service to those in need..... people will be guided to you for assistance. The LIGHT is here ~ the portals on Earth are working in full capacity. There will continue to be an influx of solar radiation and solar flares as the “SON/SUN RETURNS” . The return of Christ is the return of our Christ Consciousness ~ It is the return of our 12 strands of DNA ~ the return of our Multidimensionality. As our spiritual glands continue to grow and expand ~ new realms and Beings of LIGHT will be revealing themselves to us. New technologies,  ideas and divine inspiration will be gifted to us ~ it will be up to us to utilize these new programs, and put them into action for the highest good of all involved.

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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