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✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ Spring Equinox Angel Course With Archangel Metatron

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Ah, spring! This season brings increased daylight, warming temperatures, and the visual rebirth of the flora and fauna of the Earth. Green buds begin to appear, birds chip and flowers bloom… growth is in the air.
Spring officially begins on March 20th with the Equinox. The equinox is the time in which the sun crosses the celestial equator and we experience balanced day and night, and light and dark. The equinox signals natures renewal in the Northern Hemisphere.
Astrologically, this is the beginning of the tropical new year. It is a powerful time to reconsider what goals or wishes you would like to manifest in the coming days.
The balanced time on and around the Equinox, aims to assist you in balancing your own life with the true desires of your heart. Now is the time to take inventory of where you have been, and where you are going. You are supported now in breaking free from any remaining chains that have hindered or blocked your growth. Spring cleaning is supported now, so let go of all that no longer serves you… spiritually, mentally, and physically! Let go, relax, and allow yourself to flow with the natural rhythm of the Earth around you.
The Spring Equinox is Mother Earth’s celebration of rebirth. Let the increased light bring inspiration to your spirit and your heart. Give yourself permission to celebrate this now! This is a time of balance and harmony. A moment of respite as the sun is centered between Northern and Southern Hemisphere, and centered between earth and sky. This creates a sacred cross, offering balancing and harmonizing energy for our planet and for humanity.
This energy serves you. Tune into your heart… and to the awareness that you are connected to all that is. From this space, you have all that you need to heal, to grow… to witness miracles in your life.
I am happy to share with you a new Angel Course with Archangel Metatron along with a Bonus Springtime Angelic Activation

Spring Equinox Angel Course

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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