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✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ Who Else Is Ready To Experience An Expedition To the Fourth Dimension?

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“Who Else Is Ready To Experience An Expedition To the Fourth Dimension Where The Laws of Earth Can No Longer Limit Your Desires?”
“The Time Has Come To Design A Whole New Destiny In A World Where Time And Space Do Not Exist And Your Thoughts Can Manifest Your Reality At The Speed Of Light!”

Are you living the life of your dreams? I bet that’s a question that’s probably been asked to you by both yourself and others at least a thousand times in your life. Well I’m here to ask you a different question.
How would you like to live life within your dreams?
How would you like to be able to develop the ability to effectively part from your body and travel to another world where time, space, gravity and many other “laws” that exist in the 3rd dimension can no longer limit you?
Most people think this is only possible while dreaming. But I assure you, this is much different than having a mere dream.
Let me save you the trouble of trying to figure out exactly what I’m talking about. It’s an age old experience of spiritual separation and voyage known as Astral Projection in which the Astral body or spirit separates itself from the physical body temporarily and operates on its own.
All living beings possess an Astral body. This body is connected to the physical body through the umbilicus along with what is known as the silver cord.

Because it exists in the fourth dimension, the restraints of both time and space do not apply to the Astral body. Traveling in one’s Astral body creates the experience of being superhuman. One can actually travel great distances in seconds or even instantly.
In fact, all you need to do to arrive at a destination in the Astral planes is think of being there. At that very moment, you will arrive. The various astral planes and the structures that exist there have been documented in countless religions such as Eckinkar.
Imagine what it would be like to travel in another dimension and permeate any and all barriers that limit you in the 3rd dimension?

Aside from serving as the ultimate unsurpassable experience, astral projection can positively impact your life in the physical world as well.

You’ll be able to:
  1. Defy The Laws of Time
  2. Defy The Laws of Gravity
  3. Fly Through The Air
  4. Instantly Appear Anywhere
  5. Walk Through Walls
  6. Visit The Astral Planes
  7. Have Astral Sex
  8. Create A Higher level Of Self Awareness
  9. Visit Friends And Family That Have Passed On
  10. Overcome Fear of Death
  11. And Just About anything Else You Desire…
But aside from serving as the ultimate experience where limits are non-existent, astral projection will also help improve your quality of life in the 3rd dimension. You see, it’s a known fact that clearly visualizing yourself achieving a goal or performing a task within your mind increases the chances that you will achieve that goal or perform that task in real life.

Think about what it would be like to overcome fears or reservations that you have about certain aspects of life without actually having to take the plunge.

Imagine overcoming your fear of flying without actually getting on a plane.

Astral projection can have this profoundly powerful impact on your life, you simply just need an expert strategy to learn and execute it.

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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