
World View

World View

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✦ ✦ Unlabelled ✦ 5D Ascension Plan - Thwarted Dreams

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The planetary field is shifting due to last night’s Full Moon/Grand Trine portal with the Galactic Center, causing a huge realignment in the grids as Gaia is harvesting her crystalline light body. We are being moved off the reptilian matrix to find our new grounding on the 5D crystal grids. Stay focused on the moving landscape, find your new foundation and embrace Gaia’s new homebase in the quantum field. Major upgrades are occurring thru this weekend’s Autumn Equinox…take is slow and easy, and strengthen your grounding to the new 5D matrix!
As the Equinox lines up with the Galactic Vortex, it creates a stargate doorway to the Great Central Sun’s radiant Light Codes of sentient consciousness. We are being influenced by higher and higher frequencies of universal intelligence…awakening our left-right brain capacity to more expanded knowledge and understanding of universal truth.
The human bio-computer is being reprogrammed with 5D crystalline-based holograms of reality…it is transfiguring the genetic blueprint to run on Light. Not only are we personally experiencing massive upgrades, but our planet is ascending into 5D consciousness as well.
Due to Free Will, every human being has the option to resist the Cosmic Ascension Plan…remaining entrenched in out-dated living situations and false illusions of poverty/victim mentality. We have the choice to ride the current Ascension wave with Gaia into 5D quantum living and keep up with the stair-step upgrades happening all around the planet…or not!
If you find yourself not happy or fulfilled with your current holographic reality, I suggest jumping into the powerful planetary Ascension wave and moving into the energetic upgrades now. Let go of all thought-forms and emotions of victim mentality, it is the ego prison of Duality. Do what you can to not indulge the victim program…reject it and let it go!
Take these final days of September to get securely grounded onto the new 5D crystal grids and commit to taking some time each day to breathe in balance and inner stillness. The challenging astrology from October 1stthru January 2014 brings more quickening in rapid succession to the Uranus-Pluto square of revolution/evolution energies. The Mars effect builds upon itself, highlighting more events and debates on military force, gun control and violence in our society. Get ready for the cosmos to ‘rattle the cage’!
In preparation for the coming eclipses and Mercury Retrograde, we will  set the stage for more global balance and harmony. We can choose living in the smooth flow of 5D energies, or hold onto the dominion of ego control and resistance. The choice is NOW!
We have all the tools and knowledge to weather the storm of planetary change, in union and harmony with the ancient wisdom of sacred geometry and vortex technology. The crystal Merkaba Light Body is coming alive and activating within the Souls choosing the Ascension Plan. I invite you to join the wave of our future!
The energies on the planet have changed. We know it, we feel it because we’ve done the work yet most of us are still feeling like we can barely support ourselves.  I’ve been observing and experimenting with this facet of life for decades and it seems the only way to heal this –  in spite of all the work we’ve already done –  is to find a way to forgive the instances in the past where we haven’t been supported by the divine masculine.  For whatever reason, whatever the circumstance, sometimes protection, sometimes to maintain (ego) dominance etc. our dreams have not been allowed to come to fruition or worse we were punished for attempting to manifest.
We can’t begin to trust ourselves or our ability to prosper until we have completely forgiven our “father”.   A recent mishap with my birth father was a glaring example of why it is still so hard for us to manifest what resonates with our soul energy.  For eons patriarchal, masculine ego energy has sabotaged us and kept the feminine intuitive heart energy hostage.
Whenever the masculine element feels unable to dominate, whenever it perceives an inability to “control” the resulting fear is just too much for them to handle and the feminine is wounded. Sorry guys I don’t mean to suggest that men are the problem.  The lack of balance in humanity is the problem.  This war rages inside each one of our hearts and minds regardless of our genitals. Knowing that fear inflicts wounds doesn’t make it easy to forgive but it is a start.
The complete remedy from this battle is more complex than simply adding Light.  The most healing energy is TRUTH. Whenever we are offended, hurt or sabotaged, the perpetrator will rarely admit that the reason for their action was fear.  “I was afraid” says a lot but it makes the problem very small because once we’ve identified fear we know it is just the absence of Light! The offending action is our own fear made manifest so that we can heal it. Every challenge is another opportunity to ascend.
We started this process of spiritual excavation to find the truth of our divine identity. The more we learn and remember our truth the stronger we are, the greater our ability to manifest. If we’re feeling like we can’t manifest, if we’re feeling stuck or blocked the answer is to find the LIE.  Find the story that is holding us hostage and forgive it. Getting to the origin of any “problem” requires perspective from a higher dimension.
We can’t solve 3D problems at the 3D level.  We can’t even solve 5D problems at the 5D level…we need lofty perspective, we need to go higher and higher to continue our ascension and this is what we came to do – human race evolution.  When our dreams are thwarted, when again we find ourselves disappointed it means we get to learn something new about who we are and what we came to do.  Isn’t that fun? I know- about as fun as exercise the results are worth it.

About Celes Light

United Shift Alliance -
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